tantra massage

tantra massage

Relax massage with Tantra,

My Tantra massage is an intimate sensual relaxing one in which the erogenous zones and your seven chakras are subtly massaged. On the release of your sensual energy, it is spread with long flowing strokes over your body in connection with mine creating a pure alpha feeling and a powerful sense of well-being.

Special attention is paid to the opening of the base chakra, supplementing it with renewed energy. The massaging of the perineum (the area between the anus and the genitals), naturally follows. This area is often a neglected part of the body because of the taboo surrounding the massaging of the buttocks, the most sensitive part of a man's body, a storage centre of tension and stress.

The released sensual energy is carefully massaged over the entire body.

My Tantra massage provides the connection for the total relaxation of body and mind. During this massage, an ejaculation might occur which is not a goal in itself set by me but a perfectly natural result of my Tantra massage. The appointment may have taken only a few hours, but its benefits can be long-lasting. 

The effect can last hours after the treatment. 



  • Tantra massage 60 min. a € 150,-
  • Tantra massage 80 min. a € 190,-
  • Tantra massage 100 min. a € 250,-


...feel Slaunge...

Sample fantasy clip Tantra mix massage.